Thank You Larry Ribstein.

I learned last evening of the passing of Larry Ribstein – a legal scholar but more than that a provocateur of the legal profession.  I had the pleasure of meeting Larry in March 2010 at Georgetown’s Center for the Study of the Legal Profession conference “Law Firm Evolution.”  It was there that I heard Larry speak about the “Death of BigLaw.”  Listening him speak unabashedly about the problems and accompanying arrogance of the BigLaw law firms – whose business models are destined to fail once the egos and reputations that currently support them retire - was refreshing.  He was direct and articulate in his approach – a matter-of-fact manner that distilled a lot of the noise one hears and reads in this arena into sound arguments and logical observations. 

The conference as a whole was spectacular but it was Larry’s presence and presentation that stood out for me.  It is not exaggeration or a morbid opportunistic ploy to state that Mr. Ribstein helped ignite in me my passion to provoke change within the legal profession.  For that I am truly grateful.  Thank you Mr. Ribstein . . . you are already missed.

For a glimpse of that presentation here is a video of Larry speaking with Gregory Bufithis of

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