Law Schools Meet Ed-Tech: Innovation of the Platform

Hundreds of millions of private and public sector dollars are pouring into educational technology (“Ed-Tech”).  Ed-Tech, broadly speaking, is the use of technology to enhance the teaching and learning process.  Ed-Tech has progressed far beyond posting recorded lectures and PowerPoints on the web.  That is Ed-Tech 1.0.  We are in the dawn of Ed-Tech 2.0, in which “huge advances in computing power,” combined with advances in simulations, digital gaming, and social collaborative networking, among other technologies, have raised the capabilities of Ed-Tech to new heights.  Inspired by the promise of Ed-Tech, the venture world injected nearly half a billion dollars in 2011 into the industry through 80+ investment deals;  the United States government is expending substantial federal monies to fund programs designed to enrich education through technology; and colleges and universities have leapt into the fray too.  The time is ripe for law schools to enter the mix.  

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