You Get What You Pay for in Legal Education but ...

This is a terrific piece by the Dean of UCI law school in which he takes on (and agrees with many of) the criticisms and points about law school failing.  But he also has the courage to address where he thinks much of the criticism is wrong.  Further he is open enough to disclose some cost figures for operating his school.  And he makes a good case.

What is missing from the vast majority of all the recent articles and debates on the failings of law school however, is the potential role technology or ed-tech could play.  By integrating ed-tech, law schools could lower costs while maintaining, if not increasing, the overall value of the education.  

It seems many of the solutions posed by many are too heavily focused on human capital and curriculum.  Why not explore enhancing the delivery of education beyond the in-person talking head or group leader (clinics) and consider what the rest of higher-ed is ... integrating ed-tech. 

You get what you pay for in legal education

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